{ I'm SO bored!!! }
No puntuado

Por TheHunterWolf145
30/01/2013 - 23:01:30
Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: -0.48 (No puntuado)
Tags: check linage, darkwater clan: a silent enemy, darkwater clan: secret society... | 'gaprop', darkwater clan: the founding of the council of clans a packs, darkwater clan: those who fell, original author is wolf_queen, template by wolf_queen, wolf_queen
There's nothing to do... -.- katieroo is offline, I paused the Darkwater Clan RP because I have no more ideas left, and no one's on. -.- (I know that someone is always on Spore, but I meant Sporians that I know... XP)
Credit to Wolf_Queen.
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