Por _Cepholapoid_
28/10/2012 - 18:34:20
Tipo: Aventura sin género
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Tags: picwarvi
The small island off the coast of Darsimia proved a hard nut to crack. A task force was sent, and it was intercepted by the fighters from the island. They were all damaged or shot down with the loss of three CNA fighters. The airbase was spared while troops charged in, with surprisingly high casualties. Once the military base was captured a few fighters and bombers landed at the airstrip. The Darsimian troops that survided the attack where taken hostage to prevent the base from being attacked by the allies. The planes used the Darsimian made bunkers for protection and relied on the powerfull land based guns against naval operations.
Por SamRupert
Por SamRupert
Nice work! I'll send renforcements!