So, where have I been
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Por 99Hedgehog
19/08/2012 - 01:19:12
Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: -1 (No puntuado)
Tags: playing other games as well. i have been keeping tabs on the rp community but i came back after i got swamped by nostalgia.
As you probably already know, I disappeared in late 2011. I am in year 7 now, which means alot of homework, so that is one reason. Another one is that Spore takes an awful long time to load, so Ihaven't had much time to load it up. Also, i've been (tags)
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Por Tenguman
And suddenly you appear. Been like, I don't know, ages.
Por Tenguman
@Your last comment: Depends. I mean, sometimes I miss it, sometimes I don't. Hard to say, really.
Por gordymad
You need to make a new "history of RP", WITH THE TERRIBLE REIGN OF PENGO :O
Por sugat
do ya?
Por sugat
Por sugat
do you wanna RP?