Brilliant Disguise
No puntuado

Por MrHoliday
06/11/2011 - 16:28:24
Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 1.67 (No puntuado)
Tags: mrholiday
"My friend Turkey Lurkey told me that people don't eat flamingos on Thanksgiving."
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Por Apollo9898
Haha! R^
Por warwolf47
This is really fun- the humour is always excellent with these pieces
Por warwolf47
Thanks - i used to make quite a few coaches but have been doing more buildings recently, - glad you liked it
Por Ritafeet
Please join my competition! :D
Por Ritafeet
Ah its fine, ill try and fix up the problem soon! And thx for the comment!
Por 5211999
haha! I love this guy. R+
Por Ritafeet
Amazing!!! :D!!
Por Masterpiece
Oh and brilliant work on this "costume" here! Love the Idea!:D You've got one buddy more now! ;] (and excuse my...creative english! >.l)
Por Masterpiece
Oh well, the few sentences i saw from you sounded good! At least, good enough to confuse me! xD
Por Dark-Sajuuk
Lol this is funny! thanks for the comments!
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