Quackenstein 3 - Chapter 20
No puntuado

Por Wonny3SW
30/10/2011 - 20:41:48

Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0.03 (No puntuado)
Tags: cool, darkspore, duck, ea, ente, funny, saga, spore


Quackenstein 3- Chapter 20 ( Finale) : "Midnight" or "The End ?!?" Before you play this Final-Chapter, please read my first comments(1-20) and I hope that everybody give me a comment about my Saga! Thanks for playing it !

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Por AnimagusAnashiro

Ya know, it feels pretty good to revisit this after playing it 5 years ago, it's one of the few sagas that I still remember after such a long time and replaying this entirely after that long feels like I'm saying hi to an old friend

Por ladybug4173

I feel a little empty inside knowing that there most likely wont be a Quackenstein 4.....Darn...

Por wolatucha

I think that you should Quackanstein Forever only for REAL QUACKENSTEIN FANS!

Por wolatucha

Also I think that title is a bit weird! Quackenstein was only a backround character!

Por wolatucha

Also we should know more about Lassarinda!

Por wolatucha

I think, that many parts of the series are incomplite. The most important is Prince Duckness and Quackarella!

Por wolatucha

This chapter would be back to old parts and witch of duckness would became good!

Por wolatucha

If you want I will can give you a great idea for the 4th part of Saga! - Quackenstein Forever!

Por wolatucha

I think, that his change was the best part of all of the series! Also I love wool monsters!

Por wolatucha

Prince charming - In the first chapter he was a dum* a*s, but in Quackenstein 2 change alot!

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