Quackenstein 3 - Chapter 19
No puntuado

Por Wonny3SW
15/10/2011 - 20:17:03

Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0.02 (No puntuado)
Tags: battle, cool, duck, ente, evil, funny, saga, spore


Quackenstein 3 - Chapter 19: "1 Minute to Midnight - Part 3" or "Hope dies last !"! Check out my "Quackenstein"- Sporecast for the whole Story and comments are welcome !

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Por Foxpaw

Nice hand ya got there

Por ZanderSorousRex

@erasjob:yes,yes it is

Por DiabloSayain22

Is this the last chapter?

Por -jack88-

amazing, but sad :( i cant wait to find out whats really going on.

Por Kevin92

bin jetzt echt aufs letzte kapitel gespannt, hoffe es geht gut aus :)

Por Kevin92

echt traurig! aber das war mir irgendwie schon bewusst :'( ich muss jetzt zum ende hin echt sagen das du der beste adventurecreator in spore bist! ;)

Por micro9696

I love the series and I always wait with anticipation for the new chapter and each time it surpasses my expectations

Por erasjob

Yes Zandersorousrex, it is sad but we must live with it and see the end of spores most marvelous, awesome, extraordinary saga witch I hope is going to be as great as this one! This was marvelous

Por ZanderSorousRex

so sad...

Por dumblydum

Thank you, and you're most welcome.

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