Shadowraptor's mad, bro
No puntuado

Por MrWeezee
02/06/2011 - 01:59:24

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Tags: cool, coolface, doomnova, face, gaprop, officer?, problem, troll, trollface


And you probably guessed, but that was a steam chat consisting of me, Storm_Static, johnthedragon, and Pandawolf6464, speaking of my former friend and greatest n00b on spore, ShadowRaptor101.


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Por pettamapossum

Wow, you can't even make your own trollface. That's sad.

Por DreadTribe

HE'S mad?You should take a look at me,I'm completely insane!dfjasg;ilfsngjk;fdngkljafglb...mwehahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Por Ryan1098

To maceman99: I sense a lack of acceptional trolling... Quit smoking? What kind of person makes a point over the internet with that? XP

Por Beyond_Light

lol, eat me? that sounded a little wierd bro.

Por MrWeezee

@maceman99: Your ONLY COMEBACK is to say the exact same thing to me?! GET OFF SPORE 9 YR OLD XD

Por maceman99

Actually,you're the biggest noob on spore. You think you're so cool. You're worse than marcfyre was. You're a jerk and nobody likes you. Get a life and quit smoking.

Por MrWeezee

@jbeau: Who would listen to a 12 year old obseesed with crappy TV shows trying to convert people to christianity?

Por MrWeezee

@Beyond_light: I don't eat cornflakes. I EAT YOU. *grin*

Por Beyond_Light

woah who crapped in your cornflakes man? where am i supposed to g t f o anyways? :P and when i commented on this is went red ;)

Por Jbeau


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