The Video Game Quiz 8
No puntuado

Por 98Alexander839
29/05/2011 - 18:52:31

Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 1.88 (No puntuado)
Tags: 98alexander839, minecraft, mojang, notch, video game quiz


Think you know a lot about video games? Then try to answer the following question. Whoever comments first with the right answer, wins a prize. Question: "In Minecraft, what are the mean, green, exploding machines?"


Por eme12

You made this too easy.Creepers.

Por Awsome21

too easy,CREEPERS!How long do you think I play minecraft dude!?

Por Seylor

man, if i had seen this like a week ago, i would have won. creepers, duh.

Por Beastmaster7700

@question: too easy. I've only played mincraft for little more than 10 hours in total, and I knew long ago what they were called

Por athenazeus1

Oh they're creepers! My brother just got Minecraft.

Por athenazeus1

I honestly don't know on this one.

Por Bas36



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