Por Graxiplon
27/05/2011 - 12:14:46
Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 0.27 (No puntuado)
A new prototype that can trace its lineage directly to the old requiem class fighters, the Sonata is a one of a kind war machine. The first of the new Fighter/Gunship hybrid models, the Sonata is designed to fill every role from scout to light bomber. It is the first single pilot ship developed by the UEE to feature a shielding system. This new fighter based system is centered around a localized X-6 engine, and is hence highly classified. The Sonata is armed with twin gauss repeaters standard, and may be fitted with several types of missiles including WCMs (warp capable missile) with varying payloads and capacities. In addition to these armaments, rumors abound that the Sonata may in fact carry some sort of X-6 based weapon. If this is true, the Sonata model hybrid fighter would be among the most advanced weapons in the known galaxy.
Still wish I was better at fighters. =/

I love its smooth design. Good job!
Por Ko-Raptor123
I think this design is really cool! You've done a great job with all the lights and feeling to the ship!
Por Josephpanag
That is a realy great spaceship. Love the design. The colours Are fitting it great. Great job . Keep it up !!! :) R
Por Amoebaosis
And you want to be better? lol I'll never be this good. R !
Por matanui22
Keep-up the good work. ;)
Por matanui22
Cool! Love how it looks verry advanced. R+
Por ProcyonGuardian
very nice job on this one, i love those engines :D
Por Kaleon
Good sense of scale. Perhaps a bit cluttered about the wings, but it manages to bring the paint scheme into fruition.
Por _Cepholapoid_
Holy shit man. This is amazing. Great look and very artistic. R