The Guy

Por MrWeezee
06/05/2011 - 02:26:52
Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 4.29 (Bueno)
The character appearing on pretty much all of disturbed's albums, and the mascot for their band.
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Por MrWeezee
06/05/2011 - 02:26:52
Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 4.29 (Bueno)
The character appearing on pretty much all of disturbed's albums, and the mascot for their band.
Por wtr409
I dont know what would be worse: This guy in my back yard or the evil monky in my closet!
Por wtr409
Did you just downrate my thing?! Or is it because of all the mass uprating/downrateing rucus?!
Por 99Hedgehog
I forgot my password to Steam ;-;
Por gordymad
@Your comment on my Space Pirate Frigate I don't need to describe space pirates. But a Frigate is more or less an escort for a larger ship.
Por cdk451
Sorry about that mate, you were on, and i needed SOMEONE to annoy.
Por Andy912live
I should make Murray, the mascot of Dio
Por MrWeezee
I spent half an hour's work on this and expect the ratings I deserve... :|