How do you do the mirror trick
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Por bmcardle88
18/09/2010 - 02:38:05

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: -1 (No puntuado)


How do you do the mirror trick! TELL MEH!!


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Por Ryan1098

iveit25: You just scared me! XD I hope thats not what Kam wants! XD

Por mrcooldude

AAAAAAAAAAAAAA it works trust my you press a and a piture schould come up and clik on some the in the ceateion

Por HeatherDragon

I asked that SAME thing on the Sporum O.O I said the A key didn't work -_-

Por mrcooldude

l dont know ever and do you know how to make inviso lims

Por yumyumgirl

I KNOW press the A button!

Por rennatds

A. That is all I know XP

Por iveit25

Wait, which one? The asym mirror trick, or the cursed, evil mirror at midnight trick?

Por Seanicks

Hmm...I don't know any mirror tricks. =P

Por Sammatha

Uh... For spore? I think it's just placing and invisible jump pads...

Por iveit25

Must have patch numbe 5? And hold "A" and drag. I think?

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