So Screwed
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Por AaronMk
01/06/2010 - 00:08:38
Tipo: Aventura de puzzle
Puntuación: 0.04 (No puntuado)
Tags: aaronmk, bolts, collect, comedy, emoticones, hardware, lolwot, metal, puzzle, screw, zombies
It's funny because its hardware humor. So step inside and come get some.
[Note: there is a puzzle at the end some might find frustrating. But there's nothing in this adventure that can kill you. All captain's playable.]
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Por Ixthith
The "screws" idea was really neat. I think this could have been two separate missions, though... you should definitely write more mazes. :D :|]
Por misterhaan
this has been reviewed by HUAR: http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/150/66702.page#3144937
Por Linneo2097
All Captains?!!! Not the ones who do not have CaC :(
Por Ringeltree
Strange fun adventure. Lots of sporepedia themes. I took a while in the maze though.
Por murph04
That dang freezer maze took me forever! good job R
Por ZeroSwordMaster
Heh heh. It was quite fun. 5th place on leaders!
Por stinger771
Hey I played this game not too Long ago! It was really funny haha! Thanks for the comments too!
Por AaronMk
If they do get inside you might still be able to grab them, they're likely only on the very edge.
Por Uranus9
What are you supposed to do when they go inside of the rocks? and how do they get in the rocks in the first place?
Por HRmatthew
wow, that was a very intersting adventure! love the screws and the little guy!
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