No puntuado

Por Veoline
27/05/2010 - 19:54:27

Tipo: Edificio de ayuntamiento
Puntuación: 0.07 (No puntuado)
Tags: anonymous, blue, brown, cloud, gaprop, imagine, man, person, tagline, veoline, white


Imagine, and the world will open to you,
Imagine, and unknown lands will appear before you,
Imagine, and you will see what you can do...


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Por LordTheo

Nice job! psst! You should play Blood and Sand Parts 1 and 2...they are awesome! Tell your friends about them!

Por madnug

Cool! :D very well made and written :)

Por Aegonian

No, there are going to be a few more chapters: One in which you explore Meros, it'll be kind of like a dungeon, and then the final fight with Meros will come. This fight may be one to three chapters long, btw.

Por Sethan777

Thanks for your kind comments :)

Por Sethan777

But my english is getting better ;) Good practice here on spore.com

Por Sethan777

Thanks a lot for your kind comments. I wish I had so beautiful words in my vocabulary like you :)

Por Ulmita

This description is deffently descriping imagination and also great building R^^!!

Por glasspinne

THIS, Is what makes spore an awesome game!

Por Sethan777

Very beautiful :) Yes imagination is very important. I like the soft paint you used. Beautiful. R+

Por ExcaIibur

Thanks you so much for the great comments! This is so cool!!! Great job on this. Great description too!!!

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