Tallomere Diplomacy 4
No puntuado

Por LordFandon
26/05/2010 - 19:56:49
Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0.01 (No puntuado)
Tags: culture, desert, diplomacy, galactic council, intrigue, palace, series, tallomere, war
Now inside of Facility A-1 Zallozah's HQ, the war for Tolomere seems to have begun, and diplomacy: failed.
Play episodes 1, 2, a 3 first for the best experience; and full story.
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Por JonathonD94
However, I am rather annoyed at the final red gate and key, as all the previous gates taught the player to use the key, yet suddenly you are supposed to do the opposite. I have a feeling that is going to catch many players out.
Por JonathonD94
That was pretty good. I like the suspense your building and the rather shady motives for the Prince. The design was rather good too and the little details all over the base made it for me.
Por JonathonD94
I'll give this a look at some point: the last few have been pretty good. By the way, I've released Part 1 for Chapter 3. I'm hopeing you'll play it!
Por SenseiFish
AHHH NO I don't have creepy and cute D-:
Por Ringeltree
Some of the elements were fun. Mostly it is set up for the next story.
Por Ringeltree
Also some of the hidden goals don't really seem like they need be hidden. They worked well in the previous story, but doesn't really further this one, or so it seems to me.
Por Ringeltree
I had the same trouble as jschwegman did with the red key. It is counter intuitive to give the guard the key since you use all the preceding keys to open the gates. I don't know it has to be a goal at all.
Por Nilyk
Great adventure!
Por LordFandon
Ah- finally someone appreciates the Machiavelli; which I guess didn't come off as contrived :D Again, thanks for playing and enjoying.
Por jschwegman
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