MPN - Please Read
No puntuado

Por Icedmask
24/05/2010 - 20:22:54

Tipo: Edificio de ayuntamiento
Puntuación: 0.11 (No puntuado)
Tags: announcment, change, downraters, icedmask, mpn


The MPN, ore the Most Popular New list is, sadly, the most important way for players to get their creations noticed. It is sad because this feature relay on rating, and therefor it can so easily be manipulated, by downraters like Life0nMars. It's sad because players become more concerned about getting their creations on the list then playing the game. I don't say that we should remove the MPN, but i say that we shall change it. Maybe making the MPN time one week instead of 24 hours. Maybe making a most popular new creator list, that measures the increase of subscriptions by players. There is so much more we can do with the MPN, and since this feature is very important for some players i think Maxis should develop this feature, make it better.

What are your suggestions and ideas around this? Post a comment and tell me, and if you agree you can share this creation and spread the word: The MPN needs change!


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Por wildviper

I agree with 13agf. Where the hell is maxis nowadays? Seriously? Thats LITERALLY what Im asking. I have no idea. Do YOU?

Por 13agf

Maxis left us...

Por Pie4Pigs

I agree! But mabye not a week, that's too much. How about 3 days?


I wish I could be famous like you. Your a good spore-creator to inspire off of. And don't think it as me trying to get you to make me famous, take it as a sincere compliment. You are one of the best out there. (PS it's true the MPN is a waste of time)

Por treece08

i have had the game for a few years now, (i got it around 2 months after it came out) and i still have no idea how the online community is sustained with only creations, or what the mpn is, or how a small time creator(me) can get noticed. could you help?

Por DarkStarDC12

I agree, they should also do something with the Fetured also.

Por Jadynna

I do not see any of excal/fooby/LOM s creations on the MPN this am, I did call EA x2 and told them what shes been doing to me,

Por furiouscreater62

Please just don't take off the downrate button!I use it to prevent crappy creations from getting on the MPN.

Por KillerWolf572

you know what, how about we dont complain about the down raters and just play like this gamelike its MEANT to be played. if ignored the downraters(should evantually) follow our footsteps and spore will be fun again

Por KillerWolf572

i agree with the dont rate it up thing but if we were to destroy the downrate button that would destroy the uprate button possibly causing a chain reaction that would (eventually) destroy spore.

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