Planet Eater
No puntuado

Por Suicaedere038
13/01/2010 - 20:22:56

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 0.94 (No puntuado)
Tags: winterwarscontest


hal machine half beast, it roams in space eating every planet in its way, some planets too hard or cold to be eaten are molten into lava so the matter could be absorbed easily


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Por Bandicoot73

awesome...really awesome

Por gambokani

whoa that is awsome

Por Orion1004

Spring Fling Contest starts today! We hope you can join in the fun. Details are on my page.

Por TarsTarkas

Hi there! This creation appears in the Winter Wars adventure. You're invited to play and pick up an award for the cast if you want. :)

Por Orion1004

Congratulations, this creation is a Finalist in the Fire Vehicle category in Winter Wars! You can download your trophy from tuinahvuni's page and display it on yours if you wish.

Por ShamgarBlade

hahaha, YESSSS!!!

Por tuinahvuni

Fantastic ship! R+ Great Entry!

Por Orion1004

R++ and sporecasted!

Por tobbe3355

very cool


amazing ship!

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