Give us a PATCH!!!

Por Polyamide
06/01/2010 - 15:56:16

Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 4.47 (Bueno)


MAXIS! It's unfair that only the US-Guys are able to get the Mech-Parts!!!
So give us a Patch!!!!

Help! And Up-load this on your page!
Keep the description please! THANKS!


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Por CreatorJinju

How do you upload stuff on your page?

Por olgapåøya

i have necer heard abaut this page is it pictures of it on internett?

Por olgapåøya

and this is true

Por olgapåøya

i think it is in the expeansion to spore called spore galaktic adventures and i have it.

Por blukick

MECH PARTS? ò_ó! Why don't we get some? T_T

Por Nuumamonja

Still no news on a patch. :(

Por Loonquawl


Por treverbyn

Totally agree, and rated. I've uploaded Kismet - Scar's protest creation to my profile! So R+ and hopefully Maxis will listen!

Por UltimateZob

agreed! EVERYONE should be able to get them.

Por MjrGlory

agreed and rated.

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