Wolf, Sheep and Cabbage
No puntuado

Por Trippy72
02/01/2010 - 05:11:23

Tipo: Aventura de puzzle
Puntuación: 0.1 (No puntuado)
Tags: puzzle, river crossing


Can you get a wolf, a sheep and a cabbage across the river (one at a time) without any of them eating each other? This one has turned out harder than I thought, I've posted a solution video and tips on getting them to follow you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTirvgHu6vY Thanks for playing and please report any problems :) Warning: The judges may get things wrong on rare occasions, but give them a break - after all, they're chickens!

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Por HRmatthew

something tells me I didn't solve this in the intended fashion, haha

Por iglo19

Easy adventure : First take sheep to other side > then go back and get wolf > get wolf to other side > get sheep back > get cabbage> to other side > dont get anything and come back to sheep > get sheep to other side > YOU WIN :)

Por Trippy72

@remypas: I really wasn't expecting this - I figured I had long been forgotten, but I guess it was me who forgot how great the Spore community actually is. So basically I just want to say thanks to everyone out there for making my day!

Por Remypas

This adventure has reached the second voting round of the SPOSCARS for best puzzle adventure. Congratulations!
Link: http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/70618.page

Por Remypas

Voting has started for the category: Best Puzzle Adventure in the SPOSCARS. You're adventure is competing. Check it out here: http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/70618.page

Por Remypas

This adventure has been nominated for a SPOSCAR in the category: Best Puzzle adventure. Congratulations! check it out here: This series has been nominated for a SPOSCAR! Congratulations! Check it out here: http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/70618.pag

Por Elopolis

Out of complete cowincidence The day after I tried(and failed) this we did the problem in school so now I can solve it

Por misterhaan

i'll have to look at this in the editor sometime to figure out what the chickens were for!

Por misterhaan

the wolf and cabbage were apparently in the sheep's way, but i just gave the flag to the wolf again so he'd move a little. R+

Por AaronMk

Great adventure :). I was pretty familier with the puzzle so I had a good idea of what to do. I also wanted to make this puzzle but couldn't figure out how: but you pulled it off perfectly!

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