No puntuado

Por Sethan777
27/12/2009 - 13:47:43

Tipo: Edificio de fábrica
Puntuación: 1.97 (No puntuado)
Tags: set:futuristic, sethan777


Research and production facilities.


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Por Jadynna

Amazing!!!!!! :D

Por TarsTarkas

Sweet. I love your work on this scale.

Por 13Jabberwock31

I've just had a good look at this one in the editor! It's absolutely visually stunning and so charming! Cheers!?

Por 13Jabberwock31

This is so visually stunning, Sethan!!! Love the building design and the windows look so realistic! Excellent work with the connecting walkways! I want to do something like this in my current GA city! R+++++ and blued! Cheers!?

Por Veoline

Great ! I really like the window effect ! The towers are really nice ! It looks kind of like a spatioport ! I really like this set, it blends nature and technology !

Por MjrGlory

wow, cool building. very spacy design. R+

Por ODST3000


Por Greenneutron

Very nice futuristic design. Like the metallic paint and the small detail trees that make the whole structure seem larger and more imposing.

Por Digi-P

Awesome building.

Por QueenBeth

Another fantastic building. Love the way you make the "grounds" and have trees, ponds, and walkways.

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