Merry Christmas from UBD
No puntuado

Por imadeu234
25/12/2009 - 05:13:18

Tipo: Criatura
Puntuación: 1.67 (No puntuado)
Tags: awesome, blood, cute, gifts, gore, happiness, imadeu234, left femur, love, memories


Once upon a time, a young boy slept quietly in his bed! But then! He heard the sound of walking upon his roof. "Oh boy! It's Santa," the little boy said. He ran down to the christmas tree, and he saw a round figure. "Hello," the little boy said. and the figure turned around. "What the f*@#?! You aren't Santa." The boy said. The figure scowled at the sound of the young boy's swear. He removed a long, shiny meat thermometer and put it on the boy's head. "Mhm, mhm...yes, good temperature." The thing replied. Next he removed a meat tenderiser and bonked the kid's head with it. "yes, yes...very good texture." next the thing licked the kid's head. "hmmmm, good flavor...YOU'LL BE PERFECT FOR CHRISTMAS DINNER!!!" The thing said. And that's the last we ever saw of that kid. THE END...and Merry Christmas.


puntos ADN
39 Huesos2 Pies2 Manos
Dieta: Carnívoro
Salud: +2
10 %
100 %
9 / 20
4 / 20
0 / 15
1 / 52 / 50 / 5
2 / 51 / 50 / 5
4 / 51 / 50 / 5
2 / 50 / 5

Por CuteCritters13

this is pretty cool i like the teeth the nose not so much

Por Loonquawl

That's cool (= R+

Por Neverless

lol, this is terrifying and hilarious at the same time O_O. That takes talent :P also, happy new years :D

Por Superbug716

Cool, I like the teeth.

Por maestroo97

Thanks for the comments! But that Nymee: I didn't make it! I just won it! ^_^

Por techtor

Lol! Great crature, imadeu!

Por Dirtymeat

lol great story! Merry Christmas and happy feasting.

Por Clixe

giant feet! This creature looks cool R+


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