Por Ezrie
19/12/2009 - 20:04:50
Tipo: Vehículo económico terrestre
Puntuación: 0.07 (No puntuado)
Tags: ezriekart, fore, star wars
(Kaleb702) Clam-man?s Destroyer used a Jet pack to jump to a higher platform as the racers approached the Death Star?s core. (DragonGirl435) Dragon Kart used force push to push some engine plasma at an oncoming (Zellex) Klugui Kart which vaulted over the approaching wave of energy with a strategically place force push of it?s own. (Missmollyboots) Pimpy on his ghost used a jet pack to maneuver around a rarely surprised Yoda. (Cormorana) Therivalrapo Kart blasted through a side wall and (Gamemaster98) Bounty Stealer was looking to challenge as it followed saber in hand. (Mannah1234) Mannah Kart caused alarms to sound in the detention block as it kicked in door after door and (Crazyboxoo) Kart caused Drunk Lobster to boil as it deflected hot steam at him. (Irishpirate262) Pirate kart was heading down a passage but ran into (Em and AB) Eeyore Kart which was giving Jabba the Spot quite the yarn about left or right. (Yodude662) David?s Tank fired blasters that caused several floors to collapse. (Chidog) Nightcrawler had to teleport to safety as beams and debris came thunderously down. Meanwhile (Chezerony1) Darth Bobby?s Tie Fighter was firing on friend and foe as it flew blindly through the thickening smoke. (Muchacha24) Bob friend kart cough and then blew smoke as it tore through the space doors. (909Hudson) Kart took an incredible leap across a portion of track that had been destroyed. (XxWebkinzxX) Webkinz Star Cruiser let out a roar as it released a blue shell which began to sailed after it?s intended victim (Spacewarrior1255) My Orange Tie was putting the squeeze on Vader as it push him back and (Sobalman) Centaur JedI Kart leapt over him. (Infernette) Beast Boy Kart gave a charge as it took flight and (Pettamapossum) Charli used a Red shell to knock the Emperor on his backside. (Tartarkas) Tars Kart was confronting (Bas36) Bas Blast in quite the light saber duel and (Homer-dude2) SpongeBob X-wing racer was knocking down rows of droids like they were dominoes.

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Por 95Razor73
C-3PO! noooooo!!!!
Por Anisaur
Por Spurtle
Hey ive been trying to go from lesser to higher creator and ive done pretty darn well but im still a :( any tips? btw i looove this
Por matteomax
Por pokemonpikachu1
Por pettamapossum
Take that Darth Hideous! Lol! Thanks for the fun races!
Por yougourt
que la force soit avec Ezrie :)
Por Life0nMars
Thanks so much for your comments. :):) I just LOVE these creations of yours!!!!!!!!!!!!
Por Donald97
Por Zellex
YAY! Force push! Great work Ez!
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