Meager Repast

Por TarsTarkas
12/12/2009 - 07:09:45

Tipo: Edificio de fábrica
Puntuación: 11.79 (Bueno)
Tags: a spore christmas carol, mcholidaychallenge, sporeholidaycontest09, team: the bah humbugs


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Por clonecraver

that good

Por Doak73Doak73

Hey, how would you like to be a judge in my next contest?

Por Flunki97

Moi moi! Sakito hofa!

Por Ribina89

One question though how are the people going to get in to work??

Por Ribina89

R and one more

Por Ribina89

Pretty nice man you goyya show me how to do it

Por ReggytheCreator

i think the green stuff is clam chowder

Por Crazydogs123

All of that looks tasty! Well, not the grey bubbly liquid.

Por Seashell77

Wow - excellent!! Looks very good!! :D When can I dig in?? LOL! R++ Well done! Also adding to my 'In the Kitchen' sc!

Por Sethan777

Great gaprop. I like all the attention to details here. Cool!

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