Unusual Desig Blomph Trophy


Por DemogorghonWhite
07/12/2009 - 21:08:57

Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 5 (Bueno)
Tags: 9090hudson, astrohero1, blomph, blomphcontest, demogorghonwhite, design, max17, meanmommy395, trophy


llTrophy is inside the box. Unpack it in editor before Uploading on your profile.Thanks for MaX17 for making template for this trophy.>>
Some blomphs were somehow unusual. Interesting use of creature parts, or interesting idea. I'd like to feature three of them:
1. Cloud Blomph by 9090hudson -
2. Elvis Blomph by meanmommy395 -
3. "Can use another pair of hands!" by astrohero1


Por meanmommy395

Well Thank You, 9090Hudson! That's very sweet of you! Congrats to you also! :D An Thanks again to you, Demogorghon!

Por 9090hudson

Thanks for the troph! Great contest! Also congrats to meanmommy395 and astrohero1!

Por meanmommy395

OooH, R+++++!

Por meanmommy395

It's not showing up in game yet, but as soon as it does I will pick it up on my page. I have several creations to do that today. Spore servers I guess. :)

Por meanmommy395

Awesome! Thank You, Demo! I really had a good time with your template. An I think Elvis enjoyed your contest as well. Really...Where would he be without it? :D Thanks again!


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