Captain odDballL's Journal

Por odDballL
28/10/2009 - 03:56:57

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 2.5 (Bueno)
Tags: book, defender, journal, log, oddballlsporeniverse, oddi, peaceful, warrior


odDballL is once again on the hunt for his alter ego EvilodD of the EvilodDi. His first mission is to save his beloved AbbyodD from "EvilodD Empire Outpost L67" and he won't stop till he does. This will be his journal of his journey.


Por TheUberGuy

Hmmm.... I wish I could open it up...

Por Jiminy8325

Feel free to do with it what you wish :)

Por DriveInAlien

Cool journal, sounds like a neat idea!


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