The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
No puntuado

Por AaronMk
27/10/2009 - 23:35:29
Tipo: Aventura sin género
Puntuación: 0.04 (No puntuado)
Tags: american, classic, halloween, headless, hollow, horsemen, mc halloween challenge, mchalloweenchallenge, sleepy, story
Play the role of Ichabob Crane in the classic, and rather well known story The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. lLate, likely won't-be-accepted entry to MC's Halloween Contest>
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Por leos2000
Thanks AaronMk!!
Por leos2000
How did you get it in an other colour? Please answer!
Por brister44
great but i got stuck on a tree root oh and how did you get it it be black and white
Por adam_ledet
Really grest work! One of the best adventures I've ever played. I love the forest.
Por neowolfsp
this was awsome!
Por jadow11
Por Jelliphish
Great adventure, mate. I creature sneaked away from the Horseman, but he was still following me! xD
Por AaronMk
Now, now people. How are you lossing 75% of the way through?
Por Jelliphish
Too bad it was finished late... D:Oh well. Looks epic still. Great job on all of our parts