Gothic Windmill
No puntuado

Por arastoph
18/10/2009 - 20:22:37
Tipo: Edificio de fábrica
Puntuación: 0.05 (No puntuado)
Tags: arastoph, building, gothic, windmill
a fully functional windmill with added creepy style! a sneak peak at the building series used within the halloween adventure
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Por supergampy
It looks run down.
Por alanw
Por ToS-Master
Wow! Really awesome!
Por dark4ever96
What are you up to? hehe ;) kepp it up!
Por dark4ever96
What are you up to? hehe ;) kepp it up!
Por Neosagan
Really nice. This stands out from the crowd. Has sort of an aquarium ornament feel to it. Great detail work.
Por Alexzy
amazingly done!
Por Nadroj62
Por Amotias
Really fine detail. Good job :)
Por rastafary_man
awsome man, love the detail
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