Twisted Old Tree
No puntuado


Por Duhplantman
10/10/2009 - 23:53:13

Tipo: Edificio de fábrica
Puntuación: 0.18 (No puntuado)
Tags: duhplantman, ga, gaprop


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Por TheEpicCreation

Nice! You don't mind if I can use this for my adventure do you? I'll give you credit, of course.

Por kparks

I wish this countd as flora... then i could make forests of it without much effort...we should have a flora editor. This is great, anyways.

Por 94kirby

We really need a flora editor.

Por HanMel

very life like

Por thiefers

No prob, and thanks for adding my stuff to your sc! I subscribed. I've got this and your other plants in my Roots sc too. :)

Por akostic

Nice, added to "swamp theme" sporecast

Por Ezrie

Cool, looks so real.>:)

Por TorgOwl

Very good work on the twisted branches. R+

Por bmpalmann

Awesome tree i love the way you've made this and the colour scheme really gives the impression of bark as well!

Por Undead Avenger

Nice prop R+

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