GA Hover Platform
No puntuado
Por Manjensan
21/09/2009 - 16:28:38
Tipo: Vehículo militar terrestre
Puntuación: -1 (No puntuado)
Made by Manjen-o-tech incorporated, these stylish platforms can be yours for just $10,000! Glide through your missions in style at speeds of up to 17 pph (parsecs per hour)
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Oh no! I'm only 9,999$ off. I'm so close....
Por Jonzo
Help! Spore's unbuddied everyone and won't let me re-buddy them! It's also unsubscribed me to all the Sporecasts, and won't let me download new stuff! What do I do?
Por nebulawolf13
can you tag this gaprop
Por Candiv
If my captain's ship is taken in for repairs I'm gonna buy this as a 'temporary' replacement.
Por Manjensan
I know, fast huh!
Por Pasadema
and 1 parsect is like, a few light years (unless stars in spore galaxy very close :P), so :O at speed lol
Por Pasadema
surprisingly advanced, nicely done :D
Por Pasadema
and no, I haven't had any comments from sepron recently
Por raptorkiller2
i would approve most greatly! and use any of my creations if you can!
Por Pasadema
all ym new stuff uploaded with the 2 adventures, it was made over a few weeks :P also, the drop pods spawn loads of mechs which will eventually destroy the goodie HQ (which is meant to be a hidden objective >.>), your just meant to think you shoudld protec
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