Dancing Robot

Por Orion1004
07/09/2009 - 01:15:51

Tipo: Vehículo militar terrestre
Puntuación: 12.5 (Bueno)
Tags: orion1004


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Por Tradanbattlan

Oh god, I laughed

Por lumpyice

this is really cute i love his dance it reminds me of one those old marianette puppets great job my friend sincerely lumpyice:):):)

Por HavelokMartini

I love how he dances! Wonderful!

Por Ezrie

Cool, I wonder what his favorite dance move is?.. :)

Por TarsTarkas

Hahahahahahaha! The animation is hilarious!

Por hellothere2

Cool! Hey do you want to enter my contest? Tell me if you do. the deadline is the 19th

Por dragonkohan

how cool

Por Jach123


Por Iander

XD! It really looks fun! But it won't dance... Besides, can you tell what R means?

Por Snortix759

Very cool!

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