Bunk Beds
No puntuado

Por techno605
30/08/2009 - 09:08:07

Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 0.07 (No puntuado)
Tags: bed, bunk, chair, double, gaprop, lounge, techno605


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Por CreatorGalaxy


Por Bouncerjess


Por Razorator_O

im going to use it.

Por djmegavolt

heheh, tops! nice job r

Por UBD-Cyborg

Reminds me of when I was a kid.. R+

Por 8-Bit

Great prop!!!

Por Mysteryem

These creations may be just what I need to finish an adventure of mine easier. :D Thanks techno! They will be recoloured to fit the environment and I will give you credit. (R+)

Por NewBeard

I very love your creations. Because I can not make them well.

Por MsTweeDee

Great job. Wish the Sims had bunk beds too :-)

Por Spow-Wow

the type of bed i want!

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