
Por iceman2
15/07/2009 - 05:15:10

Tipo: Edificio de ocio
Puntuación: 3 (Bueno)
Tags: star trek, transporter


this is a transporter, able to take your atoms apart then reasemble them on the other end


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Por Lutra_Empire

Beam me up Scotty!

Por coffeedreamer

I found this in one of my games as an entertainment building!

Por karl913

um did you know its just how teleports work and its painless

Por Megashotpull

lol. not really, it can have, side affects, escpecaly if its two ppl at once, like arm, leg, head, and internal Organ swap *gulp*

Por sysmic

i like it but not the discription. take our atoms apart and then put them back on another area? sounds painful...

Por qazzy


Por qazzy


Por vicente212

Cool! mind if use it in one of my adventures?

Por ConkerEmpire

I like star trek and this transporter is COOL!

Por antipyrene

Excellent prop, great structure, use of parts, and paintjob

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