Trickin' the Trickster
No puntuado

Por zeroxion564
01/07/2009 - 16:40:36
Tipo: Aventura de puzzle
Puntuación: -0.65 (No puntuado)
Tags: math, pi, puzzle, trick
I slightly modified it so now people get the next rounds info after the round they are on. If you don't understand the rounds brush up on math and learn old names for our days of the week. There are two sets of each button to allow right and wrong buttons.
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Por zeroxion564
people if you think its impossible to both defend and kill buttons I did it in a way that you kill the correct buttons and defend the wrong buttons and I tested that it works, it does
Por codyr2391
Its possible that if they spawn on one of those elevated platforms they get a glitch where you fall through at the start. They would fall in a ball of lava, I'd be mad too. But they may not have told you anything because they're lazy.
Por zeroxion564
why do you all hate it?