The Ruins of Doom
No puntuado

Por monsterja1
27/06/2009 - 03:29:08
Tipo: Aventura de colección
Puntuación: 0.42 (No puntuado)
Tags: collect, ruins, trader
Use your wits to navigate the ancient ruins and acquire The Golden Llama. Once secured, make your way back to the extraction point. Beware! Many have entered...none have returned.
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Por Seewah
Maxis made it first, but it's still fun to play
Por Christoph6495
Por Ryanpikminking
Ya it was fun but Maxis made it
Por ipod3alex
Por Max1224
This was an awesome adventure. It was kinda slow in the beginning but it was awesome running for my life in the end. Excellent job, man. ^_^
Por DudeMan95
Is this an edited version of the Maxis one?
Por Spooreggar
this is created by maxis, look at the creator history
Por manicmoose
Great adventure, was really fun :)
Por poisson14
This is one of the maxis advetures.
Por Loganius
This is the best looking quest I have ever seen, Maxis or otherwise. I look forward to seeing what you create in the future.
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