Damaged Shelter
No puntuado


Por Spooreggar
09/06/2009 - 01:01:35

Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 0.5 (No puntuado)
Tags: broken, by spooreggar, damaged, destroyed, old, shack, shanty


A bigger version of my other creation shanty. by spooreggar
for GA


Por stukirulz

hey man...share or make more stuff...pleeaassseeee

Por sealife2

samual97 im gonna us this for my adventure "my tale of dispaire"

Por revenevan

loos realy cool with fire special efect

Por Tjens

oh cool

Por Samual97

I might make a mission where you are on a destoryed planet you you can to get data on the creatures that lived there.


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