New Redeyan JA Fighter
No puntuado

Por zaraquex
01/06/2009 - 20:19:26

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: -1 (No puntuado)
Tags: alien, black, blue, cool, cyan, different, high tech, ja, redeya, ship, space, spinning, strange, unusual


this small JA vessle has room for only two passangers, and is used mainly as a small, expendable unit to infletrate Graspian Living Ships. hundreds of these can be deployed from a standard JA ship.


Por DMR1985

Oh my goodness! I just found your creations, and they're exceptional! This Redeyan series is fantastic! R+ and buddied!

Por Jzadek

i really like the design of this! The custom wings are fantastic!


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