Track section - 28 Black Hole

Por solknight
30/05/2009 - 22:59:07
Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 6.43 (Bueno)
Tags: death race, psychichazard, solknight, track section
My god! what will the engineers a nova think of next! a black hole in the middle of the track! it looks like they gotta travel through to the other side! lets hope the racers make it in a Bajillion Pieces! *laughs*
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Por Edude825
i have an idea.How bout making volcano jump for the death race.
Por Magneyoku
Very creative. Yeah, my user name is supposed to be mangekyou spelled strangely.
Por Psychichazard
oh, that's perfect. sporecasted, should scare the participants.... as if Nova Inc. would use something like that...
Por BobTheGifty
AWESOME!!! lmfao I hope they include this in an upcoming lap!
Por TinyPieGuy
*Gasp* How will we make it out of this one?!