Pantoran Industry
No puntuado
Por v_ware
23/05/2009 - 10:44:10
Tipo: Edificio de fábrica
Puntuación: 0.08 (No puntuado)
Tags: clone, factory, industry, set:pantora, set:pantoran, star, v_ware, wars
The Pantoran Industries emploi only 20 percent of the Pantoran population. The main export product of Pantora are Yachts. The engines and hyperdrive are Nubian but all the other things from design to the frame are Pantoran.
Contáctanos en
Por jwmd2
Reviewed on LCC. R+
Por Vvolodymyr
Your buildings are positively cool! R+
Por Hydro_Glyph
That is excellent detail, very cool..
Por v_ware
Thanks! Must be seen in-game! Hope you like it!
Por codyr2391
I like the whole set, especially the different looking color scheme and blocky shapes.
Por masscolder
Very nice, I like the seasonal change too
Por shasja
nice detailing