Bauder Modular Apartment
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Por Parkaboy
22/05/2009 - 20:39:21
Tipo: Edificio de fábrica
Puntuación: 0.59 (No puntuado)
Tags: gaprop, parkaboy
Hollow apartments that can be stacked on top of each other.
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Por apd39842
You should make bauder city templates,and stuff like that!
Por Dinosaur800
Por Parkaboy
@Fessuoy: you can only stack them on the adventure editor, of course. Just hold "Shift" to move buildings vertically.
Por Fessuoy
how do u stack?
Por 90frozenflame
that liitle step will stop the creature?
Por Parkaboy
@MaxisGuillaume: thanks for checking it out! I'll try to fix the problem! Can the creatures climb the stairs?
Por MaxisGuillaume
Looks cool once built up, but creatures can't walk through the apartment's door (there's a little step they get stuck on)
Por techdude
Just opened it in the editor, and all I have to say is WOW! The level of detail is AMAZING!
Por Ecko09
Amazing ! I love your job !
Por codyr2391
Nice idea, I bet this will work wonderfully. I think I will make one of my own too so thanks for the idea. R+
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