Por Assyroc
13/05/2009 - 11:10:48
Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 0.27 (No puntuado)
Tags: assyroc, god, mech, set
Well here is my 5th mech in the Egyptian god series (that I started a while ago) a this time it?s Set. The god of the desert, storms, darkness a chaos, Set is most commonly viewed as an evil a somewhat demonised god. However he was mostly worshiped as a source of great strength a power a seen as the source of the Pharaohs strength. Set was also seen to be the chief of the Egyptian gods a it wasn?t till the Persian invasion of Egypt that Set started to really be viewed as an evil god. Set is depicted with the head of an unknown creature that was simply dubbed the Set creature, seen to be a combination of an aardvark, donkey a a jackal.Ok so that was my very basic run down on Set. With this mech I decided to try a combine what I learnt form the 1st four a just attempt to improve on that. As for his look, I?ve always kind of seen Set as a bulker version of Anubis, so I went with a similar head a body design to my Anubis mech, while also trying to make him look bigger a more menacing.The main difference with this mech compared to the other 4 is his colouring a pose. Since Set was often depicted as red a black I wanted to use that a incorporate it into a similar colour scheme to that of the others. Also with this one I tried to make him look a little less statuesque a give more character to his pose. All in all I believe my Set Mech to be a far better design then the other 4, but I still have plenty of room for improvement.

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Por Itsyourbadkarma
Man hopefully from seeing how you placed these together I can one day make a mech as cool. Really stunning creation. Yet another worthy R+
Por dragonking93
Looks just like him.
Por Icarax
Cool, its Set.
Por nebula27
Well as usual he looks awesome but I think I liked Anubis the most
Por Rantalia
He looks awesome again =)
Por Potchez
Great job, very cool head. R+
Por giantants
Definitely your best mech yet. I love the range of textures and colors- varied but unified.
Por Mechanicum
I'm a long-time admirer of your creations, but this is te first i've commented on. Absolutely brilliant - you continue to outdo yourself.
Por PirateNori
Very cool mech. Full of win.
Por qtaa74
Very nice work here. Has a very menacing feel.
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