Por Serevanth
01/05/2009 - 19:01:09
Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 1.36 (No puntuado)
Tags: alien, aquarian, aquatic, biped, building, carnivore, civ, colony, fish, house, race, serevanth, set:aquarian
-->If you enjoy this creation please rate it on spore.coml-- The Aquarian Habitation Dome houses the living areas for the individual citizens of the settlement. It also contains the hydroponics and food hatchery labs vital to survival. There are communal areas for exercise and mingling in the domes as well which host a wide variety of activities to entertain the occupants. Like all of the structures that make up the settlement the habitation domes are connected to the network of tunnels and flow lines that sprawl beneath the surface and maintain the ebbing currents as the life giving water is circulated throughout the compound. lContinued Part 7> As the rogue planetoid hurling on its course toward their home nears its rendezvous with the first of the gas giants? gravity well mere hours remain before it is destined to impact their world. The lessened mass of the speeding chunk of a dead world has a measurable affect on its passage as it is slung onto its new track by their giant neighbor, but not enough to bypass the gravity well of the second giant in its path. Droids on the planetoid?s surface are evacuated as they exhaust the warheads with which they had been chipping away at its mass. Every remaining warhead available is fired from their world to chip away at the rogue before it can sling around their sun, some blast away chunks of the invader, others impact too close to the center mass to help, and still more miss entirely as the rogue hurls on. All who can possibly be evacuated from their world sea have been, space stations filled with refugees were towed out from form orbit, vessels are occupied far past their capacities, and still the voices of billions left behind clog the waves as they cry for rescue. The grasp of their sun?s gravity takes hold of the rogue and slings the killer to its final course. No amount of force can change that enough now and fate still mandates a glancing impact with their beloved world. Some ships turn back trying to rescue more from their fate; others are lost to suicides and uprisings amongst the passengers and crew. The hulking dead planetoid shatters as it tears into the crust of the Aquarian?s home; the force of the impact alone burns off the fragile atmosphere and boils away the blanket of the sea that covered their world, the cries for help are silenced in that instant. A whole continent sized section of their world?s crust is sliced away in the impact releasing the molten mantle to superheat the planet to a ball of liquid fire that circles where there was once a tranquil blue life filled jewel? lTo Be Continued> *Created By Serevanth*

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Por Bilbo2593
LONG STORY MAN!....But Still interesting!..
Por RG4327
Awesome!!!!! Could you check some of my creations? :)
Por Whiskerypoo
You are soo good! How long did it take?
Por akostic
Quality work! adding to sporecast http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=st-sc%3Assc-500482737727
Por dogcatjess
that is the best -1-0-/-1-0- 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10:)
Por 97Maximilian97
Por Spie21
I like the buildings, but I'm really just reading the story. That story is amazing!
Por ST1026
thanks for aquarium building these will be great for adventures
Por smashed_up_car
Story was okay! Should be a writer?? They must be really bad writers to think that was publisher standard...
Por Ivonne
That is so Fantastic.
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