Statue (Grim Reaper)
No puntuado

Por Andeavor
16/04/2009 - 20:51:30
Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 0.15 (No puntuado)
Tags: andeavor, gaprop, graveyard, grim, reaper, statue
The question is WHO is he pointing at? ._.
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Por spiderdude06
he is pointing at captain spider because captain spider is EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and he wants him!
Por GortTheGrox
Actually, he pointed strait at my buddy Bob. I hate him now...
Por Schultz7
He gives me the creeps, and I'M a DRAGON, ironic huh
Por Kilpi
i think his pointig at you. But i have no idea XD
Por steve504
He,s pointing at..........................................................YO MAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Por A_Drunk_Ninja
ahhhhh........dam X_X (biy biy life)
Well, I AM Death, so it can't be me. JK, I'm not Death. (captain obvious)
Por SkateboardDragon
good, very detailed. :D
Por BrokenEyeReborn
He's pointing at the sculptor, obviously. Oh wait. . . that would be you, wouldn't it? My condolences to your grieving family
Por dustyroads1661
*zooms in REAL close* He's pointing at my eye. Actually, he's pointing so his finger's in my eye.
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