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Por Ceece
13/04/2009 - 21:03:05
Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 0.13 (No puntuado)
Tags: cage, floone adventure, ga, locked, prision
many different creatures or items can be locked up in here.
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Por BitaBooey
can i use . , .
Por Lestrange
@dvdmaster: Just Flip it Over. I`m Not Ceece, though.
Por butterflyXD
a good cage!!!
Por epicdestroyer1
good cage!
Por MsTweeDee
Great creation. Using in my prison break adventure..I'll give you credit :-)
Por DVDMaster
If you are going to use this in GA, you might want to put a top on it so that the creature does not fly out.
Por Trippy72
Very nicely done, the spikes on the corners give it a really gothic feel.
Por mysticicedragon
Por Jaramat
Por Kreaturnator
Very cool cage! Very well done!
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