UrbW Condos
¡Muy bueno!
Por Grimbot
13/04/2009 - 17:02:27
Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 15 (¡Muy bueno!)
Tags: city, conglomerate, grimbot, set: urban warfare, urban, urban warfare
This is a Core-Game-Friendly building from the Urban Warfare Set.
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Por purpill
Ohhhh... i see. also when you answer someone question do it in a comment to one of their creation cause its been a month when i asked the "Core-friendly" question and i just now read your reply..
Por Grimbot
I made this back when we all thought "gaprop" would do something. I just meant that these were NOT tagged as props (like most of the rest of this set) and that there are "set" tags so that the buildings will appear in alien cities in the core game...
Por purpill
Core-game-friendly? I thought that theres only core building parts.no CaC/GA parts right?
Por purpill
Whatta ya mean core-game-friendly? theres no GA/CaC building parts
Por creaiden
nice design
Por Wonny3SW
Great job,I like the little statue !
Por Chalkuup
I must agree, awesome colors!!!
Por Avynire
seconded that Andeavor said/ write, nice detailing with the eye on the statue. great series and awesome color combination.
Por Andeavor
Awesome statues. :D