Big Red Button
No puntuado

Por nate0520
12/04/2009 - 23:05:28

Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 0.83 (No puntuado)
Tags: big, button, gaprop, red


I wonder what it does... :D

Heheheh...I just couldn't resist making it!


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Por Valir

I pressed it and Clark and Stanley said to me that they found a destroyed planet under their feet!

Por gianmac

hhhhhmmmmmmm??? I wonder what this button does?hey why is there a bunch of ofexplosive barreals going in a row to me ?? oohhhhh BBBOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!

Por gianmac

must...... push.... BUTTON!!!!!! huh nothing happend 5 second later BOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Por Silberstern

I pushed it and got coffee...

Por gahoolian522

I pushed it... and blew up mercury... :/

Por Snatchus

Must... not... push... but... so... shiny... (push) Thank you for participating in our world domination doomsday attack.

Por Snatchus

Looks... so shiny... Bad feeling...

Por Reblon

I pushed it, then there was a sound far away.... *BABOOM!!!!!!!!*

Por Jedifitz

I know not to touch these but... SHINY...SHINY...(pushes button, huge coffee machine starts attacking you) AAAGGGHHH! BAD RED BUTTON! XD!

Por Kamilah

I Must Push It Hard!

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