Bazooka rifle
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Por FlameJL
03/04/2009 - 23:36:43
Tipo: Edificio de ocio
Puntuación: 0.18 (No puntuado)
Tags: bazooka, gaprop, gun, prop[gun], rifle, set:ga
A powerful bazooka with devastating firepower. use in GA
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Por 99Topher
Por copper2010
funguy97, bazookas are indeed anti-tank weapons, but they where dubbed under "Anti-Tank Rifles". A rifle is just something that shoots. The Russains also used a rifle that looked like the modern day 50 cal, it was an also anti tank weapon.
Por funguy97
its cool. but bazooka's aren't rifles, they are WWII anti-tank weapons.
Por 69Killer2000
reaper_shadow you can pick yhose tings up if you desguse it
Por Reaper_Shadow
I wish you could pick it up :(
Por Crawfeesh
confetti bazooka! YAY AWSOME!
Por Zigaton40
Great handle.
Por TheKatsos
sweet! R+
Por danny12322
not as great as those other guns
Por Jedi74
Wow,this looks awesome,I see alot of peeps using this in GA missions,check some of MY missions out,I have a bunch of Clark And Stanley ones!
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