Admantium INC HQ

Por StarUniter
29/03/2009 - 00:21:27
Tipo: Edificio de ayuntamiento
Puntuación: 13.85 (Bueno)
Tags: . staruniter, set:sornok, space_civ_ contest
Most well known for being the first company to mass produce admantium around the galaxy this company has been around for 500 years and this monumentous structure is their production head quarters.
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Por kunsjov
Hi StarUniter. I really like the buildings u make. They are the best ones i know. I wonderet if i may use some of them in my adventures? I would be happy i may.
Por akostic
Quality work! adding to sporecast http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=st-sc%3Assc-500482737727
Por jamesgelfand
Awesome design, the whole set is crazy :D Reminds me abit of the Tesla Coils from Red Alert. R+! Awesome design.
Por cosmiccreature83
that's really good. I'm subscribing to the sporecast.
Por MelkorMorgoth
Thanks for explaining how to make parts float. I feel so stupid now. xD You make brilliant buildings, by the way. Some of the best I've seen so far.
Por piki68
Amazing buildings:D:D GG
Por beta_psi
Very nice style and construction. I love your choice in shapes.
Por Avynire
nice style awesome set.
Por mark11
Hope you read this in time: you've forgotten to change the tag after the creature got changed.
Por MonkeyBoy5
Wow amazing ideas where the heck do you come up with all these ideas!!! R
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