No puntuado

Por Joghurt
20/03/2009 - 21:00:57

Tipo: Vehículo militar terrestre
Puntuación: 0.02 (No puntuado)
Tags: ift-x, republic fighter tank, star wars, tx 130


original by Joghurt


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Por dedeking

Haha great but your account name is funny!

Por PJFAN909

Hey Joghurt, den hab' ich als Lego set! Voll cool!

Por CoreyJ

Where's the laser cannon?

Por merlin27

very nice.

Por LoopyUn1

Wow, better then mine

Por Creator_Shadow

cool! your star wars creations are very nice!

Por Apocalyos

Cool, but the "real one" has also missile-launchers^^

Por Penguin1453

Its nice to see a rare starwars ship thats not in the movies!

Por Tygamer15

there is no real one :P

Por Vashon

Wow this looks even cooler than the real one

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