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Por Assyroc
06/03/2009 - 10:31:55
Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 0.56 (No puntuado)
Tags: assyroc, mech, thoth
Egyptian god mech number four a this time it?s Thoth.
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Por Assyroc
06/03/2009 - 10:31:55
Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 0.56 (No puntuado)
Tags: assyroc, mech, thoth
Egyptian god mech number four a this time it?s Thoth.
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Por dragonking93
Por Karr94
Dam your fantastic skills are yet again shown in this fantastic mech! R++!
Por Avynire
great design love those spiky armor and cool texture.
Por beta_psi
Awesome once again.
Por nebula27
awesome greened
Por nooneyouknow
jeez i just got over a geo project and i had to dress up like an egyptian, makeup and all. this does look like thoth though... R
Por Lord_Damian
O this is just awsome. Maken a god in space Good Job.
Por masscolder
I saw a couple of freedom mechs from you. Very nice. Have you submitted anything for the MSA project? Cant recall if you have, so many people did. >.l You might wanna check it. R+
Por Goatface
Awesome mech :) Thoth has a crane's head right? anyways how are you share freedomed creatures? do you have to get permisson? awesome job either way :)
Por Psychichazard
we kan haz Horus plz?
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