Western Coalition Urban Assult

Por ChosenCreator
01/03/2009 - 03:02:11

Tipo: Vehículo militar terrestre
Puntuación: 3 (Bueno)
Tags: assult, coalition, frontlines, fuel, of, urban, war, western


To counter the attacks made by the RSUA, the WC manufactured their own version. This one can acually out run most RPG's and missiles but it cannot make turns at high speeds.
(inspired by Frontlines: Fuel of War)


Por growboyz5

KGB secret police just hi Jacked acouple of those!

Por demonic790

Amazing work!!!!!! I really love the paint job and the amazing use of parts! r+! Come check out my creation's if you have time! Btw: Congrats being on the most popular new list!


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