No puntuado

Por Alanise
01/02/2009 - 03:16:21
Tipo: Edificio de fábrica
Puntuación: 0.04 (No puntuado)
Tags: abstract, alanise, gold, metallic
A budding building playing around with some ideas.
Contáctanos en

Por madnug
Awesome! :D
Por CoolMan12345
whoa... O.O
Por Loanndra
Nice :)
Por holland
reaper is right it does look chimeran, reminds me alot of the last lever of resistance 2
Por groxreaper
very nice building.it looks like a chimeran foretress from the resistance games.
Por azait
great coloring! r+
Por Helmkat
Blued and added to sc!
Por Jomeaga
Its diferent... R